Like our clients, our experts are highly educated and skilled within their marketing profession. It is our job to manage these experts efficiently so that you get the benefits of their skills but rejoice in only having one point of contact. Here is an impressive overview of the experts that we work with to support you:

  • Fractional CMO

  • Media Relations Manager

  • Social Media Manager

  • SEO Strategist

  • Website Developer

  • Graphic Designer

  • Content Strategist & Copywriter

  • Coaches


Fractional CMO

This is your “go to” person and your main point of contact. Your Fractional CMO is the Jack or Jill of all things marketing. They manage and coordinate all of your needs ensuring that they are on time, within budget and delivering results.

Media Relations Manager

Establishing local relationships with media is a fine art that involves positioning your story correctly at the perfect time. Media can be fantastically positive for you or extremely damaging. The Media Relations Manager is skilled at both to help you in any situation.

Social Media Manager

There’s a lot more to social media than posting a funny cat meme. It’ss a way to connect with your current and potential clients with relevant content. The Social Media Manager is your expert in this ever-changing industry and can become your voice by writing, posting and monitoring your presence.

SEO Strategist

The SEO Strategist will work to ensure that you can be found online by implementing numerous ongoing tactics. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or how you appear when a potential client “Googles” you is certainly more important than your ad in the Yellow Pages (because it’s not 1970). This role is also vital with lead generation and providing you with qualified new patients.

Website Developer

Your website is one of the most important tools in your marketing bag. It must look good, run smoothly and work on a cell phone. We develop new websites and fix existing websites. And our Web Developer is a genius. We take the confusion out of hosting, coding, navigation and all that other techie stuff to give you a great site!

Graphic Designer

We often joke that Graphic Designers just make things look pretty. Our Graphic Designers are professional, talented and knowledgeable. You will love their work! Yes, it is important that anything with your name or brand on it looks pretty and doesn’t have grammatical errors or misspellings. But it is also important that every piece of design aligns with your brand.

Content Strategist & Copywriter

From catchy taglines and ten page websites to twelve-month ghostwritten newsletter content. We have you covered. You may find writing about yourself or your business easy but you lack the time. Or perhaps, creative writing has never been your bag. Our Content Strategist and Copywriter are the best in the biz.


Our coaches provide you and/or members of your team with expertise that can support their professional development or your business success. We have extensive experience coaching and mentoring professionals at private and publicly listed professional service businesses.